An Ab Roller, or Ab Wheel is a small, yet a robust piece of core strengthening equipment that activates the core muscles and the upper body. Amonax Ab Roller Wheel is featured with two wheels, attached with a handle on each side, that smoothly glides along most surfaces. This two-wheel mode is suitable for a beginner ab workout. For advanced users, Amonax Ab Roller Wheel can be reassembled into a single-wheel mode to provide even more robust core and ab exercises. Amonax Ab Roller Wheel is the original convertible Ab Roller Wheel, it is uniquely designed, and is the first Ab roller that can change between two-wheel and single-wheel modes.

Amonax Ab Roller Wheel can provide sufficient abs exercises and core workouts. With the help of Amonax’s other core exercise equipment, you can achieve the maximum potential you can ever achieve. Amonax Core Sliders work alongside our Ab Roller Wheel to provide a comprehensive core and ab workout. Both core strength equipment are portable, lightweight, and effective. Amonax Ab Roller Wheel focuses more on shoulders, chest, and both upper and lower abs, whereas Amonax core sliders have a better focus on lower abs and legs. Core sliders allow fine maneuverings of abs and are able to train small and specific muscle groups. 

Amonax Ab Roller can assist you no matter what your fitness goal is, it could be training diastasis recti muscles, flatting your tummy and stomach, losing belly fat, or even gaining 6-packs. Amonax Ab Roller Wheel is suitable for both beginner’s ab workouts as well as for professionals and advanced users. Amonax Ab Roller Wheel is built with premium qualities that can last long to witness your change, and we believe your change can also last long with Amonax Ab Roller Wheel!

Ab roller and set

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